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BBL Surgery in Turkey

What is BBL Surgery? (Brazilian Butt Lift)

An aesthetic surgery that entails extracting surplus fat from a specific body region and relocating it to the buttocks to improve their size and form.

“Get ready to turn heads with BBL surgery”

BBL surgery, or Brazilian Butt Lift surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess fat from one area of the body and transferring it to the buttocks to enhance their size and shape. This procedure has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it provides a natural-looking enhancement to the buttocks without the need for implants.

There are two main types of BBL surgery: traditional BBL and 360 BBL. In traditional BBL, fat is typically removed from areas such as the abdomen, back, or thighs and then transferred to the buttocks. In 360 BBL, fat is removed from the same areas, but the procedure also involves contouring and shaping the hips and waist to enhance the overall appearance of the buttocks and create a more balanced figure.

BBL surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves several steps. First, the surgeon will make small incisions in the areas where fat will be removed. Then, they will use a special cannula to suction out the fat, which will be processed and purified before being injected into the buttocks. The surgeon will carefully sculpt and shape the buttocks to achieve the desired results, and then close the incisions with sutures.

After BBL surgery, patients will typically experience some swelling and discomfort, but these symptoms can be managed with pain medication and compression garments. It is important to avoid sitting or lying on the buttocks for several weeks after surgery to allow the fat grafts to settle and integrate with the surrounding tissues.

Is BBL Surgery with Implants Recommended?

Undergoing Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery with implants is not recommended because it can increase the risk of complications and may not provide natural-looking results. BBL Surgery Turkey involves removing excess fat from one area of the body and transferring it to the buttocks to enhance their size and shape. This procedure provides a natural-looking enhancement to the buttocks without the need for implants.

Implants, on the other hand, are inserted into the buttocks and can cause a variety of complications such as implant migration, infection, and extrusion. Implants may also create an unnatural appearance and may not provide the same level of natural-looking results as BBL Surgery Turkey.

Furthermore, BBL Surgery Turkey with implants may require longer recovery times and increased discomfort compared to traditional BBL surgery. Patients who undergo BBL Surgery Turkey with implants may also experience a higher risk of complications, making the procedure less safe overall.


Am I a good candidate for BBL surgery?

Good candidates for BBL surgery are typically healthy individuals who have excess fat in other areas of the body and wish to enhance the size and shape of their buttocks.

How long does BBL surgery take?

The length of the surgery depends on the amount of fat being transferred, but it typically takes around 2-3 hours.

How long does recovery take after BBL surgery?

Recovery time varies depending on individual factors and the extent of the procedure, but most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks.

How long do the results of BBL surgery last?

The longevity of the results of BBL surgery depends on individual factors such as weight fluctuations and aging, but many patients can expect to enjoy the results of the procedure for several years.

What is the ideal body weight for BBL surgery?

The ideal body weight for BBL surgery varies depending on the patient’s individual body composition and overall health.

The Aesthetics Center Turkey

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