Cos’è Trinity Lift?
Una tecnica endoscopica per ringiovanire la parte centrale del viso senza cicatrici visibili!
Una tecnica endoscopica per ringiovanire la parte centrale del viso senza cicatrici visibili!
A differenza dei metodi convenzionali, il Trinity Lift richiede piccole incisioni sul cuoio capelluto che sono totalmente invisibili 10 giorni dopo l’operazione. Poiché Trinity Lift è minimamente invasivo, fornisce risultati notevolmente più semplici ed efficaci. Questa operazione viene eseguita da un chirurgo plastico in ambiente ospedaliero in circa un’ora e mezza. La zona sotto gli occhi, gli zigomi e le pieghe naso-labiali sono le tre aree che vengono affrontate durante Trinity Lift®. Il nome Trinity Lift® deriva dal prefisso “TRI” per enfatizzare i tre punti di sollevamento di questa tecnica.
People who do not have settled deep lines and sagging that is very dense are the best candidates for this operation. Patients between the ages of 30 and 60 who wish to look younger and more dynamic but do not require a major and open face lift operation because they do not experience a serious loss of elasticity on their face typically undergo Trinity Lift®, which can be performed on both men and women. It is unquestionably not an advanced aging aesthetic, but it is also appropriate for patients in their 20s with a genetically droopy midface.
Trinity Lift® AKA (Endoscopic Midface Lift and Lower periorbital unit lift) is one of Dr.Ufuk Askeroglu’s signature surgeries, it is done through two small incisions in each side of the hairline (left & right) each being 2cm, which are hidden under the hair and are completely invisible after the surgery. The lift in this technique is done from three different points in the cheek.All targeted points have different roles, supporting the malar fat pad and cheek elevation, SOOF elevation, and enhancement of lower eyelid, with harmonious and attractive result. Trinity Lift® serves to rejuvenate midface and lower orbital unit in terms of volume, shape and position. Since it addresses three points, we call it ‘‘Trinity Lift’’.This surgery helps patients get rid of their droopy and sagging cheeks as well as their nasolabial folds.
Since both Trinity Lift® and Bella Eyes® are done through the same incisions and the recovery time is the same for both surgeries, patients who have droopy eyes and cheeks are advised to undergo both surgeries simultaneously. The reason for it is; In extremely droopy eyes, it is highly essential to support the lower eyelid, and the region which supports the lower eyelid region is the midface; therefore, if Bella Eyes® is combined with Trinity Lift®, it is possible to achieve more slanted eyes even in patients with extremely droopy eyes.
A differenza della procedura convenzionale, Trinity Lift® è una procedura di chirurgia plastica endoscopica eseguita in anestesia generale che fornisce risultati più duraturi.
L’operazione Trinity Lift® dura circa un’ora e mezza.
After 7–10 days, our patients are typically able to resume their jobs. But it will take a month or two for the oedemas and swelling to go away. Additionally, keep in mind that all cosmetic procedures show their optimum effects two to three months following the procedure.
Solo un piccolo numero di chirurghi in tutto il mondo esegue l’intervento Trinity Lift® utilizzando la tecnica endoscopica. Di conseguenza, l’operazione ha dimostrato di essere priva di rischi e complicazioni se eseguita da un chirurgo qualificato sul campo, pertanto l’esperienza del chirurgo è fondamentale quando si parla di rischi e complicanze.